- “Something close to where we lived was a bonus for the reason that it would introduce us to other parents who have children of a similar age and would help in building that community feel”
- “I was really looking for a place that would be home-like for him and that was really important to us.”
- “When we first visited it wasn't so much about showing me around it was more about introducing Oliver to all the things he could be doing, which I really really loved. They took a real interest in my child more than anything else.”
- “It's lovely dropping your kid off and not having to be worried. It's great knowing that everybody knows your child's likes and wants.”
- “You can talk to anybody and they all know about your kid and what he's been doing for the day, and who his friends are and the progress he's made.”
- “I liked how small it was and it feels really homely - it wasn't overwhelming.”
- “When I dropped him off he would run to the teachers and I don't have to worry about it. At this point I thought ‘this is it’ and I think what matters to me is the trust my children built with the teachers.”
- “She enjoys interacting with the younger kids, as well as kids her age. That's something I've grown to enjoy as well, hearing her stories about the younger children when she comes back.”
- “I think that's one of the strengths of the center, having people of varying ages in a small space and it sort of helps children learn to deal with people who might not be as advanced as they are: be a bit more patient, a bit more caring – and I think that's great.”
- “Oh he loves everything – he loves coming which is really, really great! He loves playing outside, he loves puzzles, he loves making obstacle courses with his friends!”
- “They let him explore and try different things, and they always encourage him to try new things which is fabulous.”
- “I think it's a different level of stimulation for him – exploration and learning”
- “Learning is a process of adding to what you currently know, testing what you currently know and improving on that knowledge, constantly testing it... throughout life.”
- “It's a process of growth where you constantly test what you know against reality and improve on your knowledge.”
- It's experiencing things for yourself. You can read about as many things as you want but until you've actually done it and tried it for yourself you don't really know.
- “I think they learn so much from each other. I can see how great it's been from when he was little learning from the older kids, copying and seeing what they do. They learn from experiences.”
- “I think they learn so much from each other. I can see how great it's been from when he was little learning from the older kids, copying and seeing what they do.”
- “She enjoys interacting with the younger kids, as well as kids her age. That's something I've grown to enjoy as well, hearing her stories about the younger children when she comes back.”
- “I think that's one of the strengths of the center, having people of varying ages in a small space and it sort of helps children learn to deal with people who might not be as advanced as they are: be a bit more patient, a bit more caring – and I think that's great.”
- “Watching Abigail interact with the other children, particularly the younger children – I think I've just seen her grow. Initially she was quite introverted when she came in but I've just seen her grow and become a lot more social, being more concerned about those around her.”
- “Watching Abigail interact with the other children, particularly the younger children – I think I've just seen her grow. Initially she was quite introverted when she came in but I've just seen her grow and become a lot more social, being more concerned about those around her. Talking about ‘flourishing’ – I think that looking at Abigail and how she's changed in the year she's been here is a good example of that.”
- “The centre has literally had a whole transformation – thanks to the patience of the staff and the involvement and progress of the board of trustees. They did a huge amount of work and they did such a great job at it – it was fantastic.”
- “There're new things to explore now because it's a new place - like the new mural, learning what these creatures are in the playground, the plants, the landscape, the bughouse and sandpit - it's great!”